(310) 273-0111 414 N Camden Drive Suite 940
Los Angeles, CA 90210

Conditions that Disqualify You for Dental Implants

Conditions that Disqualify You for Dental ImplantsIf you have lost one or more teeth, a restoration option that you may be considering is the placement of dental implants. Implants function just as your natural teeth did, and they help prevent bone loss by stimulating your jawbone. Yet, are there certain conditions that would disqualify someone from being able to receive dental implants?

Unfortunately, there are a few specific conditions that could prevent you from getting dental implants. Gum disease is one such condition that may prevent you from receiving implants. In fact, gum disease is sometimes what is responsible for the tooth loss in the first place. Successfully undergoing periodontal treatment for your gum disease may allow you to once again be considered a candidate, though.

Certain systemic conditions will also disqualify you from the placement of implants. Cancer, uncontrolled diabetes, and autoimmune disorders will unfortunately not allow the implant to fuse with your bone correctly after the surgery. Because of this, you may not qualify for implants if you have one of these disorders.

Furthermore, smokers may also not qualify for implants. It is possible that this can change if you quit smoking with enough time before the surgery. Also, you cannot smoke while your implants are healing. Alcoholism can also stand in the way of receiving implants.

An additional consideration to keep in mind is that the placement of dental implants requires two to three surgeries or more, depending on the type of implant you are receiving. For those that wish to avoid surgical procedures, this conviction may be a deciding factor in itself. If you are curious whether you are a good candidate for dental implants, contact our dental implants doctor in Los Angeles to set up a consultation.


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